Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I'm going on an adventure!

That's right. July 14th I am packing my bags and moving myself to the other side of the world. Jakarta, Indonesia, to be exact. I thought I would take this first post to answer some burning questions you might have for me.

Q: Why are you moving to Jakarta?

A: I love traveling and teaching. This combines those two passions into one awesome adventure. I will be teaching middle school and lower high school students at a school known as SPH Lippo Village.

Q: How long will you be gone?

A: Two years from July. That is how long my contract is for.

Q: What will you be teaching?

A: English as that is my profession. But I won't be teaching it as a second language; these students all grew up speaking English. I will be teaching literature, writing, and grammar just as I would at a school in the states.

Q: What is this school like?

A: It is fabulous! And here is a link to watch a video all about it, a virtual tour, and other cool information if you are interested:

Q: Where will you be living?

A: On-site apartments built just for the teachers. I will get my own one bedroom apartment to call home.

 Q: Are you excited?

A: Did you even read the title of this post? Yes, I am excited!

Q: Are you scared you will get kidnapped by gypsies and thrown into a volcano?

A: Nope! But what is an adventure without a few dragons? Just kidding. No dragons. No volcanos. But I am looking forward to visiting New Zealand on school break.

So... did I leave anything out? Feel free to ask a question in the comments or message me below and I will get back to you ASAP.
